Meinberg SyncBox PTPv2 User Manual
Page 8

OUT0 active: 1
OUT1 active: 1
When outputs will be enabled can be set up in this file. By default all outputs will be
enabled after booting the SyncBox (LED „ENB“ will flash green). Be aware that the
time of the SyncBox is not valid after reboot until the internal PTP has not
synchronized by an external PTP grandmaster. To enable outputs when the internal
PTP has synchronized and the OCXO HQ has been fine adjusted you have to set the
parameter „OCXO HQ control:“ to „1“. It could take several hours to do the fine
adjusting of the OCXO HQ.
Modulated Time Code (IRIG)
This output will provide a modulated Time Code (IRIG). The type of Time Code is
the same as the outputs OUT0 and OUT1.
Capture Inputs CAP0, CAP1
Two time capture inputs called User Capture 0 and 1 are provided at the front panel
(CAP0 and CAP1) to measure asynchronous time events. A falling TTL slope at one
of these inputs lets the microprocessor save the current real time in its capture buffer.
Before every capture the ports have to be enabled by software. This could be done by
a command from Telnet or SSh session on the SyncBox. The command „show_ucap“
will cyclic enable the capture ports and print the time in nano seconds and the channel
To connect a serial terminal use the left RS232 connector in the front panel. Via the
serial terminal connection it possible to configure the SyncBox parameters with the
command line interface. You have to use a NULL-MODEM cable connecting to your
PC or Laptop computer. You can use e.g. the standard Hyperterminal program
shipped with your Windows operating system. Configure your terminal program with
38400 Baud, 8 Databits, no parity and 1 Stopbit. The terminal emulation have to set
to VT100. After connecting to the SYNCBOX there will be displayed the following
message (press RETURN for first connection; default user: root password: