Secondary (display) toolbars, Pull-down menus, File menu – Measurement Computing PostView User Manual

Page 7: Pull-down menus file menu

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PostView User’s Guide



Secondary (Display) Toolbars

Each Scope Display has its own toolbar, which is illustrated in the previous and following figures.

Secondary (Display) Toolbar Items

Item #



1 Select

Used to select and reposition cursors.

2 Zoom-Box

The Zoom-Box function allows you to draw a box around an area that you desire to zoom-in
on. This results in new x and y coordinates for the scope display.

3 Zoom-In

Each click of the plus-magnifier image results in a zoom-in.

4 Zoom-Out

Each click of the minus-magnifier image results in a zoom-out.

5 Zoom-In on Cursor

Zooms in to the area around the cursor.

6 Auto-Scale


Automatically adjusts the X-axis.

7 Auto-Scale


Automatically adjusts the Y-axis.

8 Axis


Allows simultaneous scrolling of both axes.

9 Axes


After clicking “Axes Zoom” you can click in one of three areas of a scope display to zoom in
or out on the: y-axis, x-axis, or both (when you click within the display region, instead of x or
y specifically).
x-axis: click and drag “right” to zoom-out; “left” to zoom-in.
y-axis: click and drag “up” to zoom-out; “down” to zoom-in.
x-axis and y-axis simultaneously: right and/or up to zoom-out; left and/or down to zoom-in.

10 Lock


When pushed-in, the lock axes function overrides auto and manual scaling. This keeps the
current X and Y-axis locked-in-place when new acquisitions begin.
When Lock Axes is inactive, auto and manual-scaling function normally.

11 Print


Opens a Print Preview window which allows you to view and print the display.

12 Print

Prints the display.

13 Save Plot as

A Windows-type save feature in regard to where to save, naming the file, and selecting the

file type (.bmp, .gif., .jpg. .dat, etc.)

14 Edit


Accesses the Options Dialog Box for changing display preferences. (See pgs. 4 and 5)

Pull-Down Menus
File Menu


Used to reset and close all displays.

Open File …

Used to locate and open saved files for View applications, e.g., WaveView, DaqView, Personal DaqView,
LogView, ChartView, and DaqCOM2.

File extensions are as follows:

.IO$ ChartView
.DC2 DaqCOM2
.dsc WaveView, DaqView, Personal DaqView, and LogView


This menu item closes the PostView application.