Software setup – Measurement Computing DBK81 User Manual
Page 7

Software Setup
Reference Notes:
DaqView users - Refer to Chapter 3, DBK Setup in DaqView.
LogView users - Refer to Chapter 4, DBK Setup in LogView.
Programmers using Daq devices should refer to related sections in the Programmer’s Manual.
Note: LogView and DaqView software each include functions for the conversion and linearization of
thermocouple readings into temperature data.
When a DBK81, DBK82, or DBK83 is selected in DaqView or LogView, thermocouple types must also be
selected for the card’s channels. The two programs each use a different method for selecting the
thermocouple types.
In LogView …
In LogView, the LogBook Hardware Configuration Window is used to select the thermocouple types.
After selecting DBK81, DBK82, or DBK83, set each of the card’s channels according to the actual
thermocouple being used for the channel’s input.
In the following screen-shot [from LogView], we see a J-type thermocouple being selected for Channel 1
of a DBK81.
LogBook Hardware Configuration Window
In DaqView ….
In DaqView, after selecting the DBK81, DBK82, or DBK83 in the Configure System Hardware Window,
the Channel Setup Tab (on the main window) is used to select the thermocouple types (see following
figure). The channel types can be changed by double-clicking in the Types column, or by using the
Channel Type pull-down list.
In the following screen-shot [from DaqView], we see a J-type thermocouple being selected for a DBK81
card’s Channel 1. Note that the channel is designated “P1 0-1” in the Channel column.
DaqView, Channel Setup
DBK Option Cards and Modules
DBK81, DBK82, and DBK83 pg. 7