LSC Lighting e24V3 User Manual
Page 14

e24 Dimming System
Operator Manual V3.0
Page 10
LSC Lighting Systems (Aust) Pty. Ltd
GST18 Patch bay with 4 parallel dimmer outputs
plus 2 Hot-power outputs per channel
Export models can be supplied with or without
output patching. Export models with a patch bay
have two optional types of dimmer patch
• ST18 connector patch bays provide two
parallel dimmer outputs plus one Hot-
power per channel.
• GST18 connector patch bays provide
four parallel dimmer outputs plus two
Hot-power outputs per channel.
ST18 Patch bay with 2 parallel dimmer outputs
plus 1 Hot-power output per channel
Note: LSC Lighting System accepts no
responsibility for damage that may occur to
the connector, the dimmer or the load if the
patch connectors are disconnected whilst
under load.
3.7 Output Options
If you need to connect to different types of load
connectors, you can order multiple types of
output connector panels. The patch-cable/output
connector panel can be easily changed to a
different output connector type in less than 5
The patch leads are hard-wired to the output
connectors and pass through the rear panel
arranged in the connector groups. This allows
quick identification of patch leads to output
connectors whilst patching.
Labelling of the output connectors is via alpha
characters. These letters appear next to each
connector and can be easily seen even when
mating connectors are fitted.
The patch leads are also labelled in accordance
with the output connector letter and the circuit
number for the connector.
For example, the patch lead for circuit for 4 on
connector F will be labelled “F4”.
Australian models have the following patch
cable to output connector wiring options;
• 48 GST18 patch cables wired to eight 19 pin
Socapex connectors (6 circuits each)
providing 48 outputs.
• 48 GST18 patch cables wired to twelve 10
pole Harting connectors (4 circuits each)
providing 48 outputs.
• 60 GST18 patch cables wired to twelve 10
pole Harting connectors (5 circuits each)
providing 60 outputs.
• 48 GST18 patch cables wired to eight 16
pole Harting connectors (6 circuits each)
providing 48 outputs.
48 patch cables wired to eight 19 pin Socapex
connectors labelled A thru H (6 circuits each)
providing 48 outputs
Export Patch models have the following patch
cable to output connector wiring options;
• 48 GST18 (or ST18) patch cables wired to
eight 19 pin Socapex connectors (6 circuits
each) providing 48 outputs.
• 48 GST18 (or ST18) patch cables wired to
eight 16 pole Harting connectors (6 circuits
each) providing 48 outputs.
• 64 GST18 (or ST18) patch cables wired to
eight 16 pole Harting connectors (8 circuits
each) providing 64 outputs.
48 patch cables wired to eight 16 pole Harting
connectors (6 circuits each) providing 48