Kanguru U2D2 User Manual
Page 14

7. Setup Menu
1) language
Select the language that the duplicator’s menus are displayed in.
2) read Error Skip
Configure the number of times the system will skip over sectors when it encounters a read error
when reading from the Source device. By default, the duplicator will not skip ahead when it
encounter any read errors, it will simply result in a duplication job failure.
note: This function does not fix errors; it will skip over the error and continue with copying
the remaining data.
3) Write Error Skip
Configure the number of times the system will skip over sectors when it encounters a write
error when copying to Target devices. By default, the duplicator will not skip ahead when it
encounter any write errors, it will simply result in a duplication job failure.
note: This function does not fix errors; it will skip over the error and continue with copying
the remaining data.
4) Size tolerance
Not all storage devices have identical storage capacity, even when the capacity shown is
identical. Normally, the capacity of your Target drives are required to be of equal or greater
size than the Source drive so that all data can be copied over without loss. By defining Size
Tolerance, the duplicator will allow the Target flash devices to be less than the capacity of the
Source drive by the percentage specified.
5) Buzzer
Configure whether or not an audible beep sound will be accompanied whenever there is a
button press or if a task has been completed.
6) Screen Saver
Configure whether or not a Screen Saver is displayed when the system has been idle for an
extended period of time.
Device Menu Overview