Instructions for use for dental technicians – Ivoclar Vivadent CosmoPost User Manual
Page 17
IPS Empress Cosmo Ingot –
Instructions for Use
The dentist takes an impression using the impression posts
and passes the impression on to the dental laboratory.
Model fabrication
– The dental technician must check the accurate fit of the
impression post in the impression by exerting slight
pressure on the post using a suitable instrument.
– Isolate the impression post protruding from the impression
with IPS Empress die material separating liquid. This
prevents the plaster or the model material from bonding
with the impression post.
– Fabricate the master model as usual.
– Make sure that the master model is removed from the
impression in the direction of insertion of the impression
– Check the accuracy of fit of the impression post on the
completed model.
Instructions for Use
for dental technicians
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