3d sound function, Listening to stereo sound / dual sound, Displaying the tv information – Daitsu LCD 32 User Manual
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3D SOUND function
Press the ( ) button to select one of 3D SOUND modes.
When you listen to stereo sound, please select ON or OFF mode.
You can enjoy sound similar to the experience at the theatre.
ON : Select the ON mode, when you listen to the mono sound.
You can enjoy the sound for a wider audience similar to
stereo sound.
OFF : The 3D SOUND function switches off.
-You can enjoy sounds with a wider ambience.
-This function does not work for the sound from headphones.
Listening to Stereo Sound
Listening to Stereo Sound / Dual Sound
Press the ( ) button on the remote control to select Mono
or Stereo.
Mono or Stereo be will selected in turn whenever you press
the button.
☛ SSeelleecctt M
Moonnoo ssoouunndd w
whheenn yyoouu hhaavvee ddiiffffiiccuullttyy w
wiitthh sstteerreeoo ssoouunndd..
Listening to the Dual Sound
Press the ( )button on the remote control to select Dual
Dual 1: Your national language.
Dual 2: Foreign language will be selected by turn whenever
you press the button.
Displaying the TV Information
Press the ( ) button on the remote control to display the
current channel, time.
If you press this ( ) button again, the information disappear.
: Current Channel.
PM 12:02 : Current Time (When the time is not set, --:-- is displayed).
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