Hyundai 2006 Elantra User Manual
Page 52
o Do not modify or replace the front pas-
senger seat. Don't place anything on or
attach anything to the front passenger
seat. This can adversely affect the Occu-
pant Classification system.
o Do not sit on sharp objects such as tools
when occupying the front passenger
seat. This can adversely affect the Occu-
pant Classification system.
o Do not use accessory seat covers on the
front seats.
o If luggage or other objects are placed on
the front passenger's seat or if the tem-
perature of the seat changes, the "PAS-
SENGER AIR BAG OFF" indicator may
blink. These conditions do not indicate
a problem.
o If the "PASSENGER AIR BAG OFF" indi-
cator blinks continuously when the front
passenger's seat is occupied by an adult
and they are seated properly (sitting
upright, centered on the seat cushion,
with their seat belt on and legs comfort-
ably extended, feet on the floor, and with
the seat in an upright position) have that
person sit in the rear seat. If this occurs,
have the Occupant Classification sys-
tem checked by an authorized Hyundai
dealer as soon as possible.
o If you change the weight on the seat, the
may be turned on or off for a few sec-
onds, temporarily disabling or enabling
the passenger airbags.
o Even though your vehicle is equipped
with the occupation classification sys-
tem, never install a child restraint system
in the front passenger's seat. A deploy-
ing airbag can forcefully strike a child
resulting in serious injuries or death.
Any child under 13 years of age should
ride in the rear seat. Children too large
for child restraints should use the avail-
able lap/shoulder belts. No matter what
type of crash, children of all ages are
safer when restrained in the rear seat.
o The Occupant Classification system can
function only when the ignition key is in
the "ON" position. If the "PASSENGER
AIR BAG OFF" indicator is illuminated
when the front passenger's seat is occu-
pied by an adult and they are seated
properly (sitting upright, centered on
the seat cushion, with their seat belt on
and legs comfortably extended, feet on
the floor, and with the seat in an upright
position) the Occupant Classification
system may not be working properly. If
this occurs, have your vehicle immedi-
ately inspected by your Hyundai dealer.