Roc-it™ 203 seated mid row, Roc-it™ 201 l at pulldown – Hoist Fitness ROC-IT User Manual
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ROC-IT™ 203
The ROC-IT™ 203 Seated Mid Row
places the user in a slight forward lean
in the start position to reduce the risk
for uncomfortable chest pads. The pull
phase rocks the user into a 20- 30 º
rearward lean to avoid unsafe low
back hyperextension, pulling the arms
handles down into a low row position
lower back. The arms and handles
self align to track natural arm motion
allowing various end positions between
the low and mid back with pronated,
neutral or supinated grip positions. The
forward, unsupported movement of the
torso results in greater activation of the
core musculature to maintain balance.
ROC-IT™ 201
The ROC-IT™ 201 Lat Pulldown places
the user in a slight forward lean in the
start position, increasing the stretch
to the lats and traps. The pull phase
rocks the user into a 20- 30 º rearward
lean to mimic a more natural pull-up
movement and avoids unsafe low back
hyperextension while maintaining
loading on anterior portion of body.
Two exercise arm handles accommodate
different body sizes and arm lengths
and self align to track natural arm
movement at the joint while the forward,
unsupported movement of the torso
results in greater activation of the core
musculature to maintain balance.
R O C - I T ™ A D V A N T A G E
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