Preparing the gel for drying, Thin gels – Hoefer SE1200 User Manual
Page 14
Preparing the Gel for Drying
Listed below are recommended procedures to
ensure optimum drying results for gels of differ-
ent thicknesses and acrylamide concentrations.
Thin gels (0.75 mm or less) are recommended
for best results.
This drying method is not recommended for:
• Agarose gels, which are generally too thick.
• Polyacrylamide gels attached to GelBond
Thin Gels
(Gel thickness ≤0.75 mm — or — gel thickness
>0.75 mm and acrylamide ≤10% T)
Fix and stain the gels according to your preferred
Final soak solution.
Coomassie Blue. The final destaining solution should
consist of 7% acetic acid, 5% methanol, and 0.5 – 2%
glycerol. (Glycerol maintains the flexibility of the gel,
making it less likely to crack.) Equilibrate the gel in
this solution for a minimum of 2 hours, but preferably
overnight. After destaining, rinse the gel with distilled
water for 1 – 2 minutes to remove excess acetic acid.
Silver stain. Add 0.5 – 2% glycerol to the final
water rinse.
Fluorography. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions.
For fluorography agents EN
and sodium
salicylate, add 0.5 – 2% glycerol to the final cold water
precipitation step.
Load the gel onto the drying frame as described on
page 9.