After gel polymerization – Hoefer SE215 User Manual
Page 14

Note: Do not store gels in the
caster because they will be
difficult to remove.
After Gel Polymerization
To remove combs (if necessary): cover each sandwich
with several ml 1X electrophoresis buffer, then work
each comb out slowly by gently rocking it side to side
while pulling it out.
Remove the gel stack from the casting chamber. Take
care to keep the spacers in place while separating
sandwiches: Slip a razor blade between the first two
sandwiches and gently pry the top sandwich loose.
Remove the wax paper between each sandwich.
Rinse each sandwich with distilled water to wash off
the overlay and remove any extra gel adhering to the
plates, then blot dry.
To use gels — Follow instructions accompanying the
electrophoresis unit.
To store unused gels — Add approx. 5.0 ml of 1X
separating gel buffer to the top of each sandwich,
seal with plastic wrap, and lay flat in refrigerator set
to 4 °C. Or, lay gels flat, submerge in 1X separating
buffer, and store refrigerated. Use within 1 week.