Herrmidifier Herrtronic 6000 Series User Manual
Page 16

Model 6000
I n s t a l l a t i o n , O p e r a t i o n , & M a i n t e n a n c e M a n u a l
Reason - Correction
Water “foaming” inside the cylin-
Check drain valve and insure that water drains freely. If necessary, clean or replace valve if
Check water supply. If it is commercially softened, either increase the drain threshold (R18)
to 92% or reconnect the unit to raw water. Drain and restart the unit. If the unit is connect-
ed to a hot water line, reconnect to the cold water line.
If steam line is hard copper, drain cylinder and test unit operation disconnected from steam
line to insure flux from solder joints is not causing foaming.
Observe the fill tee(GT-120). If water is going down the overflow and the water level is low:
Check to insure that static pressure in the duct is not forcing water down the overflow in-
stead of allowing water to enter the cylinder.
Adjust the fill metering valve to regulate the water flow to the cylinder. ( Figure 9)
Unit filling slower or at the same rate as it is boiling off, causing over concentration and
foaming. Fill rate must be increased. Open metering valve.
If the fill valve is already fully open, get a water analysis and consult the factory.
Cylinder fills and overflows
Check cylinder wiring (See Figure #11)
Check wiring of cylinder full interface.
If more than 1.9 mA AC is passing between the cylinder full electrode and interface termi-
nal #1, and when placing multimeter between terminal #3 and ground yields approximately
negative 11 VDC, replace the interface.
Replace the circuit board.
Consult the factory after obtaining a water analysis
Unit turned on, fills to full amp
draw, stops filling, and after a
delay, the circuit breaker trips and
the service light comes on.
Use the “On-Off Drain” switch to drain the cylinder. Turn the capacity adjustment pot(R39)
on the main circuit board to 80% and restart the humidifier.
Check the drain valve and clean or replace if necessary.
If the drain valve doesn’t come on before the service light illuminates, replace the main
circuit board.
Unit cycle “on” and “off” rapidly
Check location and setting of high limit humidistat
Cabinet leaks
Check for loose connections
Fill tube out of fill tee
Steam cylinder out of drain cup
Cabinet drain backing up, kink in drain line