Herrmidifier Herrtronic 6000 Series User Manual
Page 14

Model 6000
I n s t a l l a t i o n , O p e r a t i o n , & M a i n t e n a n c e M a n u a l
Unit Detected Faults: (Red Service Light is ON)
Problem / Symptom
Probable Cause
Reason - Correction
The alarm condition occurs when an
overcurrent situation (>138% of rated
current) has occurred and the humidifier
has shut down to prevent any damage.
This alarm indicates that there has been
a significant reduction in resistance be-
tween the main legs of the supply power
and the humidifier has been shut down to
prevent damage and should be serviced
before it is restarted. Overcurrent LED
CR 17 (Figure 12) is illuminated.
Dead short between electrodes.
Replace the steam cylinder. Check re-
sistance between electrodes with power
Restricted or blocked drain.
Clean and inspect drain system.
Restricted fill system
Clean and inspect the fill system. Check
for restriction or loss of supply pressure.
Incoming water conductivity is outside
the range of normal circuit board settings.
Consult the factory for options.
Check amp draw to unit during start-up.
If amp draw greatly exceeds rated amp
draw, the drain threshold pot, labeled
“% adj.” (R18), must be increased 2% to
increase the frequency and duration of
drains to reduce the conductivity inside
the cylinder.
Manually drain the unit and restart.
End of Cylinder
This alarm condition occurs if the humidi-
fier is unable to reach full output over a 6
hour timeframe. It is constantly switching
between “fill” and “cylinder full” modes.
This alarm indicates a need to change
the cylinder, that the water supply is low
in conductivity, or that a foaming condi-
tion exists:
End of cylinder life – Cylinder life is
typically between 500 and 2000 hours,
depending on incoming water supply.
For emergency use, you may restart the
humidifier with the capacity setpoint,
R39, at a lower level to allow operation
until a replacement steam cylinder can
be obtained. To clear the fault, turn the
main disconnect to the unit “off” and then
back “on”.
If incoming water supply is less than 100
micromho, the unit may not be able to
pass the rated current through the water.
LEMS GUIDE – “Unit fills to the cylinder
full condition and remains cold”
Foaming condition exists.
Flush and fill the steam cylinder several
times and restart. If it persists, you must
filter or treat the water to remove the
foaming agent. See circuit board settings
on previous page if supply water is soft-
PROBLEMS GUIDE – “Water foaming
inside the cylinder”
Fill System Fault
This alarm condition occurs when the fill
valve has been energized for a 6 hour
timeframe. The humidifier has been
shutdown to prevent any damage.
Loss of or restricted water supply
Check fill system.
Leaking drain system.
Check drain system.
Defective drain valve.
Repair and replace as required.
Defective fill valve.
Repair and replace as required.
NOTE: The three fault conditions outlined above will cause the humidifier to shut down and the service light on the front
of the unit to illuminate. To clear these faults, the main power must be turned “off” and back “on” again.