Stringing the frame – GAMMA 5003 STRINGING MACHINE 2 POINT SC MOUNTING (Issue 5B - February 2014) User Manual

Page 12

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Getting Started

To begin stringing the main strings, thread
the two ends of the string through the two
center holes at the appropriate end of the
frame and continue through the opposite
center holes. Thread one end of the string
through the adjacent grommet hole and pull
excess by hand.

Secure one of the strings using a string

Pulling Tension

Wrap the loose section of string once around
the roller guide and insert the string between
the diamond dust coated string gripper plates.
Pull the string perpendicular to the gripper
plates while slowly rotating the tensioner
crank clockwise until the brake lever pops
out of the latching block. The string is now
tensioned and can be clamped in place with
the remaining fi xed clamp.

Repeat the above steps until all main strings
are installed. Tie off ends of main strings at
the appropriate hole as per racquet manu-
facturers specifi cations.

Clamping the First Main String

Secure the tensioned main string using the
free fi xed clamp. Repeat the procedure for
all of the remaining main strings and tie off
following the racquet manufacturers recom-

Follow the manufacturer’s recommended
stringing pattern for one or two piece stringing.
This will determine the starting point for the
cross strings. If applicable, tie the fi rst cross
string using an appropriate starting knot.