Foxconn 45CMX User Manual
Page 36

Chapter 2 BIOS Description
7.2 Shutdown Temperature
This option is used to set the high limit system temperature. When the
temperature exceeds the setting value, the motherboard will automatically cut
off power to the computer.
7.3 Warning Temperature
This option is used to set the warning temperature for the system. When the
temperature of CPU is higher than setting value, the motherboard will send
off warning information.
7.4 CPU Vcore/+ 3.3V/+5V/+12V/VDDR
The current voltages will be automatically detected by the system.
7.5 CPU/System Temperature
The current CPU/System temperature will be automatically detected by the
CPU Fan/System Fan Speed
The current CPU fan/System fan speed automatically detected by the
7.7 Smart Fan Control
This option is used to enable or disable smart fan function. Only when this
option is enabled, you can set some correlative parameters. “ Smart Fan
Automatic Mode” is the principle figure of CPU smart fan for your reference.
“Start 1 Temp(℃)”allows you set the start 1 temperature which is initial
temperature of smart fan.
“Start 1 PWM Value” allows you to set the initial PWM value of smart fan.
“Slope 1 Integer Fraction” is used to set the integer fraction of slope 1 of
smart fan curve.
“Slope 1 Decimal Fraction” is used to set the decimal fraction of slope 1 of
smart fan curve.
Smart Fan Automatic Mode