Fluke Biomedical VT305 User Manual

Page 64

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Users Manual


Respiratory Parameters

Breathing Rate (BR/min)

Range ......................................................... 1 bpm to 1000 bpm
Accuracy .....................................................


1 bpm or


2.5 % **

Time (Ti, Te)

Range ......................................................... 0.05 s to 60 s
Accuracy .....................................................


0.02 s

Ratio (I:E)

Range ......................................................... 1:300 to 300:1
Accuracy .....................................................


2.5 %*

Ratio (Ti/Tcyc)

Range ......................................................... 0 % to 100 %
Accuracy .....................................................


5 %*

Breathing Volume (Vti, Vte)

Range .........................................................


10 l

Accuracy .....................................................


2 %* or


20 ml

Volume per minute (Vi, Ve)

Range ......................................................... 0 l/min to 300 l/min
Accuracy .....................................................


2.5 %*


Range .........................................................


300 l/min

Accuracy .....................................................


1.9 %* or


0.1 l/min

Pressure (Ppeak, Pmean, PEEP, Pplateau)

Range ......................................................... 0 mbar to 150 mbar
Accuracy .....................................................


0.75 %* or


0.1 l/min

Compliance (Cstat)

Range ......................................................... 0 ml/mbar to 1000 ml/mbar
Accuracy .....................................................


3 %* or


1 ml/mbar

Trigger Range (Adult, Pediatric, HFO) ........... Flow and volume (from default settings and adjustable levels) the greater tolerance is valid
* Tolerance related to the measured value.
** Absolute tolerance.
*** sl/min is based on ambient conditions of 0


C and 1013 mbar (DIN 1343)