Fluke Biomedical 57-402 User Manual
Page 18

Nuclear Associates CLEAR-Pb Transparent
Operators Manual
5.3 AP Full Spine 20-25 cm (Large Patient) (72" FFD)
Breast Shields (57-409)
Build-Up Filter (Thin) (57-430)
AP/PA Wedge Filter (57-405)
Gonad Shield (57-408) or (57-444)
Position the top edge of the AP/PA (57-405] Filter at the level of the external auditory meatus. Attach the
Breast Shields to the AP/PA Wedge Filter bilaterally. Place the Thin Build-Up Filter (57-430] on top of the
Breast Shields, at the base of the nose (see Figure 5-5). The measurement is taken in the AP position at
the level of the third lumbar vertebra.
Figure 5-5.
Gonad Shield
(57-408) or
AP/PA Filter
Breast Shields
Thin Build-Up
Filter (57-430)
When using Build-Up Filter (57-
430), you might prefer first
attaching the Breast Shields
(magnetic side) to the filter
holder rails, then positioning
the AP/PA filter over the Breast
Shields, and attaching the
Build-Up Filter (metal side) over
the AP/PA Filter.
Thin Build-Up Filter
AP/PA Filter
Breast Shield
Gonad Shield
(57-408) or (57-444)