7 starting the pump, 8 running the pump – Flowserve CPXV fitted with Mark 3 ASME hydraulics User Manual

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CPXV with Mark 3 ASME hydraulics ENGLISH 71569291 12-14

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After the temperature stabalization the impeller
clearance can be reset;

see section 6.7, Setting

impeller clearance.

Ensure pump is electrically isolated.

Then, before starting the driver, rotate the shaft several
times by (thermal gloved) hand to ensure freedom of
rotation as the high temperature will cause expansion at
the liquid end and the increase in lengths of the
components should be identical.

5.7 Starting the pump


Ensure flushing and/or

cooling/ heating liquid supplies are turned ON,
before starting pump.


CLOSE the outlet valve partially, but ensure that
air is allowed to escape out of the discharge pipe.
This is especially important for pumps with
product lubricated line bearings.


Ensure that the liquid level in

the sump is above the minimum pump casing
submergence level.


Ensure all vent valves are

closed before starting.


Start motor and check the outlet pressure.


If the pressure is satisfactory, SLOWLY open the
outlet valve.



Do not run the pump with the

outlet valve completely closed.


If NO pressure, or LOW pressure, STOP the pump.
Refer to section 7, Faults; causes and remedies for
fault diagnosis.

5.8 Running the pump

5.8.1 Pumps fitted with packed gland

Never run gland packing dry, even for

a short time. Nitrogen lubricated packed gland
(eg molten salt pumps)
Pumps for high temperature molten salt utilize special
metal gland packing rings cooled and lubricated only
by nitrogen gas. The nitrogen injection flow rate should
be monitored periodically after initial stuffing box
adjustment to maintain the flow rate advised on the
general arrangement drawing.

On molten salt service that uses metal gland

packing rings, the packing is not to be adjusted while
the pump is in operation. Grease lubricated packed gland
(eg molten sulphur pumps)

The gland must be adjusted evenly bringing both

nuts down evenly in small steps until the lubricant leakage
is reduced as required. If no grease leakage takes place
the packing will overheat.

Grease lubricated packed gland units will be fitted with
packing greased on initial assembly. Gland nuts should
initially be finger-tight only prior to heat up. Leakage of
the lubricant should take place soon after the stuffing
box is pressurised. If no grease leakage takes place the
packing will overheat. It is important that adjustment of
the packing is even to maintain concentric alignment of
the gland ring to avoid excess temperature.

If no visible

leakage takes place the packing will begin to overheat
when the pump is turning. If overheating takes place the
pump should be stopped in a controlled manner and
allowed to cool before being re-started. When the pump
is re-started, check to ensure leakage is taking place at
the packed gland.

Care must be taken when adjusting the gland

on an operating pump. Safety gloves are essential.
Loose clothing must not be worn to avoid being
caught up by the pump shaft. Shaft guards must be
replaced after the gland adjustment is complete. Liquid lubricated packed gland

The gland must be adjusted evenly bringing both

nuts down evenly in small steps until the lubricant leakage
is reduced as required. If no grease leakage takes place
the packing will overheat.

Where liquid is permitted for a low temperature pump
gland packing lubricant, the liquid must be a safe liquid,
in which case there must be some visible leakage from
the gland. Gland nuts should initially be finger-tight
only prior to heat up. Leakage of the lubricant should
take place soon after the stuffing box is pressurised.
The pump should be run for 30 minutes with steady
leakage and the gland nuts tightened by 10 degrees at
a time until leakage is reduced to an acceptable level.
Bedding in of the packing may take another 30

It may be necessary to slacken the gland

nuts to achieve leakage on this type of non-metal
packing arrangement. It is important that adjustment of
the packing is even to maintain concentric alignment of
the gland ring to avoid excess temperature.

If no

visible leakage takes place the packing will begin to
overheat when the pump is turning. If overheating
takes place the pump should be stopped in a controlled
manner and allowed to cool before being re-started.

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