Flowserve WDX User Manual

Page 39

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Page 39 of 46



Pu m p o v er h eat s an d s ei z e s

 B earin g s h av e sh o rt l if e

 Pu mp v ib rat es o r is n o i s y

 M ech an ic al se al h a s sh o rt lif e

 M ech an ic al se al l ea ks ex ce ssiv el y

 Pu mp req u ir es ex ces siv e p o wer

 Pu mp lo se s p rim e af t er st art in g

 In su f f icien t p re ssu r e d ev elo p ed

 In su f f icien t c ap ac it y d el iv ered

 Pu mp d o es n o t d e liv er liq u id



  

Rotating part rubbing on stationary part inter nall y.

Chec k and CON SULT F LOWSERVE, if necess ar y.

    

Bearings worn.

Replace bearings.

 

Wearing ring surfac es worn.

Replace worn wear ring/surfaces .

 

Impeller damaged or eroded.

Replace or CONSU LT FLO WSERVE f or improved
mat erial selec tion.

Leakage under sleeve due to j oint failure.

Replace joint and chec k f or damage.

 

Shaf t sleeve worn or scor ed or running off c entre.

Chec k and r enew defecti ve parts.

  

Mechanic al seal impr operl y inst alled.

Chec k alignment of fac es or damaged parts and
assembl y met hod us ed.

  

Incorrect t ype of mechanical s eal f or operati ng
conditi ons.


    

Shaf t running off centre because of worn bearings
or misalignment .

Chec k misalignment and correct if necess ar y. If
alignment satisfact ory chec k bearings for excessi ve

    

Impeller out of balanc e res ulting in vibration.

  

Abrasi ve s olids in liquid pumped.

 

Internal misalignment of parts preventing seal ring
and seat from mati ng properl y.


 

Mechanic al seal was run dr y.

Chec k mechanic al seal c ondition and s ource of dr y
running and r epair.

 

Internal misalignment due t o improper repairs
causing impeller t o rub.

Chec k met hod of ass embl y, possibl e damage or
state of cl eanliness during ass embl y.
Remedy or CONSU LT FLOWSERVE, if necess ar y.

  

Exc essi ve t hrust c aus ed by a mechanic al failure
inside t he pump.

Chec k wear condition of impeller, its clear ances and
liquid passages.

 

Exc essi ve greas e in ball bearings.

Chec k met hod of regreasing.

 

Lac k of lubrication for bearings.

Chec k hours run sinc e last c hange of lubricant, the
schedule and its basis.

 

Improper ins tallation of bearings (damage during
assembl y, incorrect assembl y, wrong type of
bearing etc).

Chec k met hod of ass embl y, possibl e damage or
state of cl eanliness during ass embly and t ype of
bearing us ed. Remedy or CONSU LT FLO WSERVE,
if nec essar y.

 

Damaged bearings due to c ont ami nati on.

Chec k contamination source and replac e damaged


 

Wrong direction of rot ation.

Reverse 2 phases at motor t erminal box.

Motor running on 2 phases onl y.

Chec k suppl y and fus es.

 

Motor running too slow.

Chec k mot or ter minal box c onnecti ons and volt age.