EXCALIBUR 740D Phantom Force Electronic Chess Set User Manual

Page 12

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The Phantom Force has six level types. Two of the level types (PLY and MATE) are

for analysis. The other four level types are for play.

Press LEVEL to see the current level.

Press LEVEL repeatedly to change to a different level type.

Press CLEAR to return to normal play.

Level types Beginner, Fixed, Sudden, and Tournament can be adjusted for three

different strengths. While viewing the level, use the +OPTION key to select ‘E’ for

Easy, ‘A’ for Average, and ‘H’ for Hard.

Beginner Level Type

Press the t or the u key to select 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 10, or 15 seconds per move.

BE001 BE002 BE003 BE004

BE005 BE007 BE010 BE015

BA001 BA002 BA003 BA004

BA005 BA007 BA010 BA015

BH001 BH002 BH003 BH004

BH005 BH007 BH010 BH015

Fixed-Time Level Type

Press the t or the u key to select 1, 2, 3, 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 45 seconds, and 1:00, 1:30, 2:00,

2:30, 3:00, 5:00 minutes per move. Fixed-Time Level “inf” is infinite time, and The Phantom

Force will only stop thinking when the MOVE key is pressed, or a mate is found.

FE001 FE002 FE003 FE005

FE010 FE015 FE020 FE030

FE045 FE100 FE130 FE200

FE230 FE300 FE500 FEinF

FA001 FA002 FA003 FA005

FA010 FA015 FA020 FA030

FA045 FA100 FA130 FA200

FA230 FA300 FA500 FAinF

FH001 FH002 FH003 FH005

FH010 FH015 FH020 FH030

FH045 FH100 FH130 FH200

FH230 FH300 FH500 FHinF