DR Power RapidFire 6 HP Subaru (Aug 2011 - Sept 2012) User Manual

Page 15

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1. Remove the Return Springs as described in step 1 of “Greasing The Rack

and Pinion” on page 13 (Figure 19).

2. Pull the Carriage out approximately half way and remove the three Bolts and

Lock Washers on each side of the Carriage and Rack assembly as you
support and remove the Carriage Hold Downs (Figure 23). Note the
position of the Roller Bearings.

3. Pull the Wear Plate out from under the Carriage and check thickness. If

thickness is less than half worn turn Plate over and reinstall. If thickness is
more than half worn install a new one (Figure 24).

Note: After Wear Plate Replacement, perform “Carriage adjustment” on page 14

as you perform the next step.

4. Position the Carriage Hold Downs (Roller Bearings forward) and secure

with the three Bolts and Lock Washers on each side of the Carriage.
Retighten Bolts to 55 foot pounds with a Torque Wrench. The high torque
on these Bolts is important.

5. Pull the string to position the Spring ends near the Carriage assembly and

place the Springs onto the Roller Bearing Bolt threads. Cut the string off
the Springs.

Aligning the Carriage Spring Roller (When it noticeably pushed to
one side)

An adjustment of the Carriage Spring Roller is required if the measurement
from the center of the Roller to the edge of the Frame on both sides is not the

Tools and Supplies needed:

9/16" Wrench

Tape Measure

1. Remove the Return Springs as described in step 1 of “Greasing The Rack

and Pinion” on page 13 (Figure 19).

2. Pull the Carriage out approximately half way and loosen the Roller Arm Bolt

with a 9/16" Wrench (Figure 25).

3. Align the Roller to be equal distance from each side of the Frame edge.

Note: Adjust the Compression Spring if needed so it is in the center of the Rack


4. Tighten the Roller arm Bolt.

5. Install Springs and remove string.

Replacing the Centrifugal Clutch (If slipping excessively)

Tools and Supplies needed:

1/2" Wrench

Dead Blow Hammer

1. Remove Belt Guard as described in “Changing and Adjusting Belts” (page


2. Remove the Belts by rolling them off the Flywheels as you slowly rotate the

Flywheels (Figure 26).

Spring Roller

Figure 25

Roller Arm Bolt



Figure 24


Figure 26



Hold Downs

Figure 23

Bolts and