Aerator use – DR Power Power Take-Off (PTO) System User Manual

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Aerator Use

The Aerator is designed to cut grooves into the sod so that water and nutrients can penetrate the sod
and get directly to the root system.

1. When transporting the DR TRIMMER/MOWER with the Aerator attachment (see Figure 1) to the site

where you wish to aerate, be sure to push down on the handlebars to raise the Aerator blades so
that they do not scrape along the ground. If the blades bump or scrape along the ground, they can
become unlocked and rotate off of the PTO.

2. When you are at the site you wish to aerate, start the DR TRIMMER/MOWER engine. Hold back on

the machine as you pull back on the bail bar to engage the PTO. As the Aerator blades start to
churn into the soil, they will try to pull the machine forward.

3. Continue to hold back on the handlebars and slowly allow the Aerator to pull the machine forward to

cut into new soil.

4. Continue to let the Aerator work around the yard, spacing your passes so that the Aerator grooves

are approximately evenly spaced. Dividing your lawn into smaller sections and then working around
each section until it is aerated is an effective way to make steady progress. Each area that is
completed is then ready for application of fertilizer and water.

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