4 wlan filters, Wlan filters – Devolo dLAN 200 AV Wireless G User Manual

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devolo dLAN 200 AV Wireless G



time and use your Internet connection. Under normal circumstances, you will not
notice that this is occurring.

Two standards are available for ensuring secure data communications in wire-
less networks. The older and somewhat weaker WEP standard protects commu-
nications using keys consisting of 10 or 26 digits. Simply enter a sequence of the
proper number of hexadecimal characters in the Key field.

The more modern WPA/WPA2 (Wi-Fi Protected Access) supports individual
keys consisting of letters and digits with a length of up to 63 characters. These
can be simply entered using the keyboard without prior conversion into hexa-
decimal format, as is the case with WEP. Under Mode you can restrict client
access to the dLAN 200 AV Wireless G to the method you have selected.

Be sure to save your changes before leaving the configuration area.

We recommend always encrypting your WLAN connections. Without it, anyone
within range can intrude on your home network and use your Internet connec-
tion without your authorisation. Wherever possible, always choose the stronger
WPA/WPA2 encryption method. Do not use the WEP standard unless your wire-
less devices do not support a higher standard.

Note that the Activate WLAN option is enabled and encryption is disabled
when the device is set to its factory defaults.


WLAN filters

In addition to encryption (see previous section), setting up a WLAN filter can fur-
ther restrict access via WLAN to your dLAN 200 AV Wireless G for selected