Text formatting, 3 text, Formatting – Compuprint 6314 CZL User Manual
Page 13: Fbl,n,s,g,m (field block), 13) a, 3 text formatting, Fdaa…a (field data), Fs (field separator), Fhi (field hex)

CZL – Programmer Manual
^FDaa…a (Field Data)
This command makes it possible to define the string to be entered in the field.
aa…a is an alphanumeric string (up to 3072 characters long) of any printable character, with the
exception of the two prefix characters (e.g. ^ and ~). The characters ^ and ~ can be printed if the
prefix character is changed with the commands ^CC (~CC) and ^CT (~CT) or with the command
^FH on page 13.
This last command, ^FH, is useful for printing all characters after the 127
on the ASCII table (table
9 and table 10 on pages 59 and 60) and, in general, all characters that are not directly available on
the keyboard.
Even the characters
, 0D
) and
, 0A
) can be entered in the field.
^FS (Field Separator)
This command is the separator for each field; in other words, it sets the end of a field and the
beginning of the next one. Therefore, it is obligatory, and every command for rotation, positioning,
etc. in the field takes effect if it is followed by the ^FS command.
^FHi (Field Hex)
This command makes it possible to print any character through its hexadecimal code. In particular,
it is possible to insert the hexadecimal code of the character to be printed directly in the string aa…a
of the ^FD command as long as it is preceded by the character i defined by the Field Hex command.
Therefore, the ^FH command must precede every ^FD command (or any other command where a
data field is specified).
i can be any printable character as long as its meaning is unambiguous: in the following aa…a
string, every appearance of the i character signifies “hexadecimal code identifier.” Therefore, it
makes sense to use a character that is not printed: The default is the underline character _ (95
After the i identifier, the machine interprets the two subsequent characters as the “hexadecimal code
of the character to be printed,” and thus the two following characters can be any two of the
0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0, A, a, B, b, C, c, D, d, E, e, F, f.
3.1.3 Text formatting
^FBl,n,s,g,m (Field Block)
This command makes it possible to print different lines of text enclosed in a virtual box that
assumes the properties (origin, font, rotation) of the text field. This makes it possible to move,
enlarge, and otherwise manipulate the entire box without modifying each string of text. This