BUG-O Systems SE-2PTD User Manual
Page 16

To program a completely new shape (Press “A”).
Count the number of segments or operations and enter the total.
For each segment, enter the following:
Select digit keys 1-8
QUADRANT: 1, 2, 3, or 4 (refer to Programming Segment Chart)
One or more dimensions per segment as described below:
100 X inch or 10 X mm (depending on the machine version):
or for time, 100 X second of delay.
(E.g. 150 = 1.5", or for metric 375 = 37.5mm)
DESCRIPTION OF SEGMENT TYPES (refer to Programming Segment Chart)
TYPE 1: Clockwise, 90-degree arc segments.
Quadrant determined by which quarter of a full circle makes the arc.
Dimensions required: Radius only.
TYPE 2: Counter-clockwise, 90-degree arc segments.
Quadrant determined by which quarter of a full circle makes the arc.
Dimensions required: Radius only.
TYPE 3: Line along X or Y-axis.
Quadrant determined by direction of movement.
(East: 1, North: 2, West: 3, South: 4).
Dimensions require: length only.
TYPE 4: Angled straight line.
Quadrant determined by direction of movement.
(Northeast: 1, Northwest: 2, Southwest: 3, Southeast: 4).
Dimensions required: 1. X-dimension, movement along the X-axis
2. Y-dimension, movement along the Y-axis
TYPE 5: Function or Operation.
Quadrant determined by function selected.
1. WELD / OXYGEN “ON”: turns on the contact relay or oxygen solenoid.
Dimensions required: None.
2. WELD / OXYGEN “OFF”: turns off the contact relay or oxygen solenoid.
Dimensions required: None.
3. PAUSE: Machine stops and waits until START / RESUME button is pushed.
Dimensions required: None.
4. DELAY: Machine stops and holds position for a programmed period of time up to
99.99 seconds.
Dimensions required: time in .01 second units (E.g. 250 for 2.5 seconds).