Broadata Communications LBO-DVI-AD User Manual
Page 8

LBO-DVI-AD User’s Manual
Link Bridge
Fiber Optic DVI Video Converting Transmitter System
Broadata Technical Support, [email protected]
2.2.1 Electrical Cable Connection
The three available cable connections on the electrical side are
for DVI video, audio and data connections. Follow the proceeding
instructions in order to properly install your electrical
connections. DVI Video Interface
The DVI video connection is the DVI plug connectors for
video input and output ports. Use the following instructions
to properly connect your component video as illustrated in
Figure 2-2.
Connect the LBO-DVI-AD-T (Transmitter) unit’s DVI video
input port to the user’s DVI video source with the
appropriate DVI cables.
For the receive unit, connect the LBO-DVI-AD-R
(Receiver) DVI video output ports to the user’s DVI video
receivers with the appropriate DVI cables respectively,
as illustrated in Step 1.
Figure 2-2
Video Connection
User’s DVI
Video Source
User’s DVI
Video Source