Brightsign hd600 – BrightSign HD600 Hardware Guide User Manual
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BrightSign HD600
This information applies to a product under development. Its characteristics and specifications are subject to change without notice. Roku assumes no
obligation regarding future manufacturing unless otherwise agreed to in writing.
© Roku 2006
VIDEOMODE 1024x768x60p
(You can use your own VOB file or MPEG2 file for this test, on the CF card)
If the RGB video fails to play, check the following: U25, U24, U21, P9. While playing RGB in
1024x768 mode, the following signals should be present:
•Videoclock at pin 20 of U25 should be 65MHz.
•HSVGC and HSYNC should have 48.35KHz
•VSVGC and VSYNC should have 60Hz
K) To test the Component video, issue the following sequence of commands (This assumes you have
some test video and image files available):
VIDEOMODE 1920x1080x60i
(You can use your own VOB file or MPEG2 file for this test, on the CF card)
If the Component video fails to play, check the following: U25, U24, U21, P9. While playing
component video in 1920x1080x60i mode, the following signals should be present:
•Videoclock at pin 20 of U25 should be 74.25MHz.
•HSVGC and HSYNC should have 31.47KHz
•VSVGC and VSYNC should have 59.95Hz