BrightSign HD600 Hardware Guide User Manual

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BrightSign HD600

This information applies to a product under development. Its characteristics and specifications are subject to change without notice. Roku assumes no
obligation regarding future manufacturing unless otherwise agreed to in writing.

© Roku 2006

(4) Power LED comes on, 1 or more green LEDs come on in sequence from
left to right, and then go out.

Red LED stays out. Serial port tests are in order. Connect a PC to the HD600 using a null modem cable
(Wire up 2-3, 3-2, 5-5). Set the terminal program to 115,200 N,8,1.

A) If the serial port is not working, then check U2 and P2.

B) Use LEDTEST command to test each LED. For example:

Ledtest 0 1
Turns on the left most (red) led
If any LED fails to come on, then check U15, U16, U17 and the resistors on the outputs of these.
Note that you can test the 6 LED outputs on the DB25 by using ledtest 17 1 through ledtest 24 1

C) Use the SWITCHTEST command to test each switch. If any switch fails to read, or is stuck on,

then check U5, U7 and the resistors and beads on the inputs to U5 and U7. The switchtest
command will show the status of the front panel switch as well as the switches connected to the

D) Use the MEDIADIR command to test reading the CF card. For example:

Mediadir ATA:/
If the CF card fails to read, check U3, U4, U6 and the CF socket, and associated resistor packs.

E) Use the SINETEST command to test the audio outputs. The SINETEST command will put a sine

wave on each of the stereo outputs. If the audio fails to work, check U28, U31, U32. Check for
the audio master clock on R25, should be 11.288MHz. Check for audio bit clock R26, should be
2.82MHz. Check for audio data on R159, R160, R161. Check passives on outputs of U28, U31,
U32. The voltage output of the audio during this test (fullscale) is 3.06V PP, with no load.

F) Use the SPDIFTEST command to test the SPDIF output. This will put a digital sinewave on the

output of the SPDIF connector. If SPDIF is not working, check U1.

G) If you have a REVC or newer HD600, Connect a Ethernet cable to a switch, and run the

ETHTEST command. The switch should show link on, and the yellow LED should light on the
HD600 showing link on. If this does not work, check U14, T1, P8 and associated passives.
(NOTE: If you are using a REVA or REVB HD600 then you must use a mirror image wired
Ethernet cable (1-8, 2-7,3-6,4-5,5-4,6-3,7-2,8-1)

H) Insert a USB mass storage device in either of the USB host slots. The HD600 should configure

these and print out information automatically about the mass storage device. If this does not work,
then check U12, U34, P7, and associated passives. Also check the XIO/PCI bus.

I) To test the SDIO slot, us the CARDTEST command. Insert a SD card, then issue CARDTEST and

the HD600 should print out the model of the card. If this does not work, check P6, U18, and
associated passives.

J) To test the RGB, issue the following sequence of commands (This assumes you have some test

video and image files available):