Cf flash slot, 4 in 1 flash slot, Optional built in nand flash – BrightSign HD600 Hardware Guide User Manual

Page 14: Ethernet, Flash slot, Lash, Ptional built in, Nand, Flash, Thernet

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BrightSign HD600

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CF flash slot

The CF flash slot is connected up in TRUE IDE mode, and it uses the PNX1500 IDE mode on the XIO
bus. The chip select for the CF slot is XIO_SEL1. two 74LVC245 bidirectional buffers isolate the
databus of the CF from the XIO databus, so that the CF card can be hot plugged. A 74LVC244 chip
buffers the other CF signals, again so that the CF card can be hot plugged. The PNX1500 won’t attempt to
access the CF slot unless it first detects that a CF card is present. The signal CF_CD_L goes low when a
CF card is inserted. This signal is connected to GPIO52. Power to the CF slot is controlled by a
MOSFET, and it is not turned on until the PNX1500 detects that a CF card has been inserted into the CF

4 in 1 Flash Slot

The 4 in 1 flash slot supports 4 different formats of flash cards: MMC/SD/XD/MS. MMC/SD use the
same physical pins on the connector. Each of the 3 physical formats have its own card detect pin
connected to GPIO, so that the PNX1500 can detect which kind of card is connected. The MMC/SD/MS
formats are 4 bit wide serial formats and the HD600 uses GPIO to communicate with the 4 cards. The XD
format is the same as NAND flash, and so the built in PNX1500 NAND flash controller on the XIO bus is
used for XD. The XD interface has buffers to isolate the databus and control signals from the XIO bus so
that the XD card can be hot plugged and un-plugged. Power to the 4 in 1 slot is controlled by a
MOSFET, and it is not turned on until the PNX1500 detects that one of the MMC/SD/XD/MS cards has
been inserted into the 4 in 1 slot.

Optional built in NAND flash

The HD600 has a spot on the board to support loading a built in NAND flash. This could be used to give
the HD600 a large amount of on board storage. The NAND flash is connected to the XIO on the


10/100 Base T Ethernet is implemented on the HD600 by a Davicom DM9161AE PHY controller. This
device takes the PNX1500 Ethernet signals and converts them to the differential Ethernet signals. The
PHY chip is also connected to an on-board Ethernet magnetic and a RJ45 for cable termination. The
DM9161 chip is able to signal to the PNX1500 that its state has changed by toggling the
ETH_PHY_INT_L line, which is connected to GPIO11.


USB is implemented by a PCI ISP1562 USB dual host controller chip. There is also a dual over-current
protected switch TPS2042BD device, which is used to turn on and off power to the USB device, and to
detect over-current situations.