Detail operations and configurations – BayTech DS74 2012 User Manual

Page 9

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Serial Setup  

Detail Operations and Configurations 


Menu 1: Main Manu

 Connect the 9FRJ45PC-4 adapter to the user’s computer
 Connect the MODULE EIA-232 port to the adapter via the RJ08X007 rolled flat ribbon cable.

 Use terminal emulation software to access the unit, 9600 bps, 8 data bits, 1stop bit and no

parity, B/C switch set to ‘B’.

Module 2: admin on Host EIA-232
Device A (2,1).........1
Device B (2,2).........2
Device C (2,3).........3
Device D (2,4).........4
DS-RPC (5,1).........5 DS-RPC Chassis ONLY

Configuration .................C Module setup
I/O Modules Reset ............RM Reset all I/O ports

Unit Reset ...................RU Resets DS-unit. All internal and external

communications are lost

Exit ..........................X Access to additional menu options
Logout ........................T Logout the user

Enter Request :c

NOTE: Depending on the DS-Series model, the menus may vary according to the number of
DS74 modules installed in the unit. If this is not an initial set-up and Password has already been
enabled, you are prompted to login. After logging in successfully, invoke the main menu by
sending the attention character five times (;;;;;).

With a proper serial port connection, upon power-up or unit reset, a similar DS host menu
will be displayed. The number of devices ports displayed is dependent on the number of
DS74 modules installed.

NOTE: If select the “Configure” option and get the following message

Configuration mode in use

), the other port has the configuration option selected.

IMPORTANT: Any changes made in the Configuration menu will take effect when the
changes are saved. The unit will ask to save changes before exiting the configuration menu.

NOTE: Only the Admin user will see the Configuration, Unit Reset, and I/O Module Reset
options. All users will see only the ports assigned to them, alone with ‘Exit’ and ‘Logout’.