N table 2-1 – Basler Electric BE1-27 User Manual
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BE1-27/59 Controls and Indicators
9170600990 Rev L
Table 2-1. Control and Indicator Descriptions
Undervoltage Pickup Control. Establishes setpoint for the timed undervoltage function.
Continuously adjustable over the range defined by the style number.
Undervoltage Time Delay Control. Establishes the interval between undervoltage pickup
and the time delayed output. Defined by the style number, this delay is either a user-
adjustable definite time or inversely proportional to the magnitude of the undervoltage
condition. A setting of 0.0 provides an instantaneous response.
Definite - adjustable from 0.0 to 9.9 seconds in 0.1 second increments.
- adjusts inverse timing characteristic curve relative to the time axis. (See the
characteristic curves in Section 3.)
Undervoltage Instantaneous Control. Establishes setpoint for the instantaneous
undervoltage function. Continuously adjustable over the range defined by the style
Overvoltage Pickup Control. Establishes setpoint for the timed overvoltage function.
Continuously adjustable over the range defined by the style number.
Overvoltage Time Delay Control. Establishes the interval between overvoltage pickup
and the time delayed output. Defined by the style number, this delay is either a user-
adjustable definite time or inversely proportional to the magnitude of the overvoltage
condition. A setting of 0.0 provides an instantaneous response.
Definite - adjustable from 0.0 to 9.9 seconds in 0.1 second increments.
- adjusts inverse timing characteristic curve relative to the time axis. (See the
characteristic curves in Section 3.)
Overvoltage Instantaneous Control. Establishes setpoint for the instantaneous
overvoltage function. Continuously adjustable over the range defined by the style
Power Indicator. This red LED lights when operating power is applied to the relay.
Target Reset Switch. This switch is operated to reset the target indicators.
Overvoltage Pickup LED. A red LED that illuminates when overvoltage exceeds the
pickup setting.
Target Indicators. The electronically latched red target indicators illuminate when the
corresponding output relay energizes. To ensure proper operation of current-operated
targets, the current flowing through the trip circuit must be 200 mA or higher. Target
indicators are reset by operating the target reset switch (locator H).
Output Test Pushbuttons. These pushbuttons allow manual actuation of the output relays.
Output relay actuation is achieved by inserting a nonconductive rod through the front
panel access holes.
Undervoltage Pickup LED. A red LED that illuminates when undervoltage exceeds the
pickup setting.