Maintaining your appliance 39, Baffle removal & replacement, Air tube removal & replacement – Avalon Firestyles Olympic User Manual
Page 39

Maintaining Your Appliance
© Travis Industries
Baffle Removal & Replacement
The baffle is held up by the front air tube. Make sure to support the baffle after removing the air tubes.
1. Lift up on the front portion of the front three firebricks.
2. Lift the front baffle support “Y” and rotate it forward until it can be removed.
3. Slide the center front firebrick forward and out the door opening. Then slide the side front firebricks
towards the middle then out in the same manner.
4. Slide the center baffle support forward and out of the firebox.
5. Slide the rear firebrick forward and out of the firebox. NOTE: When the center rear firebrick are slid
forward the damper plate will come to rest on the rear secondary air tube and rear air channel.
6. Slide the damper slider all the way forward.
7. Reach into the firebox and push up on the damper yoke until the damper yoke separates from the
damper slider. Remove both the damper slider and damper plate by sliding them between the front
two secondary air tubes.
1. Place the damper plate above the secondary air tubes in the rear center of the firebox.
2. Position the damper slider so the damper yoke inserts into the two tubes on the damper slider (make
sure to have correct orientation). Then slide the damper slider over the damper plate until both are
centered in the firebox.
3. Follow the instructions above in reverse order, starting with step number 5.
Air Tube Removal & Replacement
Remove the left pin on the air tube collar
Air Tube Collar
Air Tube
Slide the air tube to the left, swing it
down and remove from the firebox.
Roll Pin