Comm led diagnostic – Auto-Zone Control Systems Auto-Zone CV-C Controller Installation Guide (Version 01A) User Manual
Page 13

Auto-Zone CV-C
Section 2
Sequence of Operation
Comm LED Diagnostic
Comm LED Diagnostic
Comm LED Diagnostic
Comm LED Diagnostic
As mentioned earlier, the COMM LED will blink a diagnostic code every 10 seconds
during normal operations. If this LED is off continuously or on continuously, there is a
total failure in the controller and it should be replaced. The diagnostic blinks are
described below in order of priority. The highest priority condition must be corrected
before any lower conditions can be observed and corrected. 1 Blink is the lowest priority
and 5 blinks is the highest priority.
1 Blink
Normal operations. No alarm conditions
2 Blinks
Pushbutton Override is active during Unoccupied Hours.
3 Blinks
Zone Temperature Sensor failure detected.
4 Blinks
Not Used in this Controller
5 Blinks
RS-485 communications lost