Audioscan Verifit 2 User Manual

Page 134

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User's Guide Version 4.2 © June 2015

Excel. To view a session file Excel, right click on the file and select Open With. Choose a browser program or
Microsoft Excel. When prompted for a style sheet, select the audioscan.xsl from the same folder, which the
Verifit saves alongside any session data files.

Session file name rules

You may need to consider the following rules when naming the session files. Uppercase letters are distinct from
and precede lowercase letters Digits precede all letters.

1AB.1.xml, 1Ab.1.xml, 1aB.1.xml, 1ab.1.xml
2AB.1.xml, 2Ab.1.xml, 2aB.1.xml, 2ab.1.xml

Consequently, Client IDs starting with numbers appear at the top of the list, followed by those that start with
uppercase letters followed by those that start with lowercase letters. Be consistent to avoid duplicate entries, for
example, use all UPPERCASE in your Client IDs.

The Verifit prevents you from entering the following characters in session file names:

! ~ ` @ # $ % ^ & * + = \ / ? < , . >