Speaker choice, Peaker choice, Messenger operating manual – ATEIS Messenger Series User Manual

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Messenger Operating Manual

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12.5. Speaker choice:

In the next menu you have to select what type of Messenger to use for your application.

You can choose from:

Messenger L:

an 18-way Array. Only restriction on this type is the minimum opening
angle of 10 degrees, which is related to its reduced size.

Messenger XL: a 24-way Array.

Messenger Two-L:

Two Messenger L units, linked as one to a 36 way Array.

Messenger Two-XL:

Two Messenger XL units, linked as one to a 48 way Array.

All Messengers have:

Triple lobe capabilities, 9-steps adaptable acoustic centre, variable opening angles, full

pre-processing controls, variable mounting heights from 1.60 up to 4 mt.

From the pull-down menu you simply select the type you want to use. From the ‘NUMBER

OF LOBES’ field you select a single, dual or triple lobe set-up. You can always start with a

single lobe version and add a second and a third in a later stage of your design work.

Everytime you press on the button ‘OK’, the result is calculated. In this stage you better go

through all the folders before you press on the button ‘OK’.