Shell overview – Zilog ZAURA868 User Manual
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ZAURA RF Module Shell
User Manual
Shell Overview
Shell Overview
The ZAURA RF Wireless Module Shell is a command line interpreter
that can be used to control ZAURA RF Wireless nodes over an RS-232
(UART) connection. The Shell is preloaded on the ZAURA RF Wireless
Module when shipped from the factory.
Users interact with the Shell through a terminal emulator, such as Hyper-
Terminal, which should typically be configured with 57600 baud, no par-
ity, 1 stop bit, and no flow control. Users can control remote notes as well,
using the
command (similar to
The Shell is a part of the ZAURA RF Wireless Library and includes
application programming interfaces to implement the different Shell com-
mands. The Shell API provides six mandatory commands that will exist
on all substantiations. The Shell may contain an additional 24 commands
which may be employed either as built-in optional functions or as defined
by your application. For more information about how to implement and
incorporate the Shell into your application, please refer to the
The following sections cover the usage of each of the commands that are
built into to the Shell. Each command is shown along with a set of manda-
tory and optional parameters. Parameters are shown in italics, and
optional parameters are enclosed in angular brackets
command names are case-insensitive, so the commands
are equivalent. However, case sensitivity may apply to the parame-
ters. For example, the
tx ff hello
command will send a different
string than
tx ff HELLO
. Unless stated otherwise, all numeric parame-
ters passed to the shell must be specified in hexadecimal format. Simi-
larly, all numeric values returned from the shell are displayed as
hexadecimal values. For example, issuing the command
addr 23
sets the
node address of the ZAURA RF Module to the hexadecimal value
(35 decimal).