XTA 5 Series User Manual
Page 23

Operator’s Manual
Page 23
Output Compressor
The compressor on each output has adjustable attack and threshold, with a variable knee control that can be set to hard
(0) so the onset of compression happens exactly at the threshold, or “softened” (up to 12) where compression starts
below the threshold and gradually reaches full effect above the threshold. More information about the knee control is
given on page 51.
The gain reduction meter to the left on the bottom line of the display shows gain reduction (or expansion) in 0.5dB steps.
The band can by bypassed by pressing the BYPASS
BYPASS key whereupon the meter will be replaced by
OP1 Output 1 Compress
OP1 Output 1 Compress
OP1 Output 1 Compress
OP1 Output 1 Compress
||||||||| ----22dB R=1.03 K=12
22dB R=1.03 K=12
22dB R=1.03 K=12
22dB R=1.03 K=12
Threshold Ratio Knee
Pressing NEXT
NEXT shows the attack and release times. Note that release time cannot be set to faster than the attack time
and will be forced to track it if you increase the attack to a greater value than the release. This is to prevent introducing
distortion that can be caused due to the detector tracking individual cycles of the waveform, rather than its envelope. For
more information about this, see the section about the compressors on page 48.
The attack and release times can be automatically linked to the high pass filter frequency, so that they are set to correct
values for the output’s frequency range. If this feature is enabled, the display will show
Automatic T/C
Automatic T/C
Automatic T/C
Automatic T/C
in place of
the attack and release times. Selection of automatic time constants is through the
Design a Crossover
Design a Crossover
Design a Crossover
Design a Crossover
in the
Crossover Sub
Crossover Sub
Crossover Sub
Crossover Sub----Menu
OP1 Output 1 Compress
OP1 Output 1 Compress
OP1 Output 1 Compress
OP1 Output 1 Compress
||||||||| At=00.07mS Rl=45mS
|||||||| At=00.07mS Rl=45mS
|||||||| At=00.07mS Rl=45mS
|||||||| At=00.07mS Rl=45mS
Attack Release