XTA 5 Series User Manual
Page 22

Page 22
5 Series
5 Series
5 Series
5 Series Operator’s Manual
Output High Pass Filter
The high pass crossover filter on each output has a frequency range of <10Hz up to 32kHz in 1/36
Octave steps. If you
try to set the high pass filter to a higher frequency than the low pass (which would be pointless and result in no output),
the message
High/Low Freq. Overlap!
High/Low Freq. Overlap!
High/Low Freq. Overlap!
High/Low Freq. Overlap!
will be displayed. Note that to access the 48dB/Octave filters,
parametric bands 6 & 7 need to be bypassed, or set to 0dB. If they are not, the message
Bypass PEQ’s 6
Bypass PEQ’s 6
Bypass PEQ’s 6
Bypass PEQ’s 6 &
7 To Access 48dB Slopes
7 To Access 48dB Slopes
7 To Access 48dB Slopes
7 To Access 48dB Slopes
will be displayed.
OP1 Output 1 HPF /~~
OP1 Output 1 HPF /~~
OP1 Output 1 HPF /~~
OP1 Output 1 HPF /~~
<10Hz Linkw
<10Hz Linkw
<10Hz Linkw
<10Hz Linkw----Riley 48dB
Riley 48dB
Riley 48dB
Riley 48dB
Frequency Slope
Output Low Pass Filter
The low pass crossover filter on each output has a frequency range of 35.1Hz up to >32kHz in 1/36
Octave steps. If you
try to set the low pass filter to a lower frequency than the high pass (which would be pointless and result in no output), the
High/Low Freq. Overlap!
High/Low Freq. Overlap!
High/Low Freq. Overlap!
High/Low Freq. Overlap!
will be displayed. Note that to access the 48dB/Octave filters,
parametric bands 8 & 9 need to be bypassed, or set to 0dB. If they are not, the message
Bypass PEQ’s 8 &
Bypass PEQ’s 8 &
Bypass PEQ’s 8 &
Bypass PEQ’s 8 &
9 To Access 48dB Slopes
9 To Access 48dB Slopes
9 To Access 48dB Slopes
9 To Access 48dB Slopes
will be displayed.
OP1 Output 1 LPF ~~
OP1 Output 1 LPF ~~
OP1 Output 1 LPF ~~
OP1 Output 1 LPF ~~\
>32kHz Linkw
>32kHz Linkw
>32kHz Linkw
>32kHz Linkw----Riley 48dB
Riley 48dB
Riley 48dB
Riley 48dB
Frequency Slope
Output Parametric EQ
There are nine bands of parametric equalisation available on every output
. The behaviour of each individual band can be
changed to a variety of different filter shapes, including high and low shelves, notch, and bandpass. Changing the filter type
is achieved by pressing BYPASS
BYPASS to bypass the filter and then pressing ENTER
ENTER during editing any particular band. For
more details about the various types of filter available, please see page 55.
OP1 Output 1 PEQ:1<>
OP1 Output 1 PEQ:1<>
OP1 Output 1 PEQ:1<>
OP1 Output 1 PEQ:1<>
1k00Hz Q=3.0 0.0dB
1k00Hz Q=3.0 0.0dB
1k00Hz Q=3.0 0.0dB
1k00Hz Q=3.0 0.0dB
Frequency ‘Q’ Gain
Note that 2 bands each will be lost when using 48dB slope crossover filters, resulting in a maximum of 5 bands of EQ
when both high and low pass are set to 48dB/Octave.