Vectronics VEC-422K User Manual
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VEC-422K Owner's Manual
SCA Decoder Kit
Hidden in many standard FM broadcast signals is a host of very interesting
programming—and you can listen in for free! You’ll find commercial free
background music that the restaurants and hotels subscribe to, all news
programs, weather reports, stock quotes, digital data, ethnic programs in
different languages, reading services for the blind, and much, much more. This
programming is carried by hidden subcarriers on the FM signal, using the VEC-
422K SCA Decoder allows you to unlock and monitor the subcarrier
The decoder connects to your FM receiver or tuner using one simple connection!
Many receivers already have SCA output jacks. If not, we’ll give you some
simple directions for hooking up your VEC-422K to almost any FM broadcast
receiver or tuner! The heart of the VEC-422K is a special FSK decoder chip.
No alignment is needed, and construction is quick and simple thanks to the
VECTRONICS professional solder masked and screened PC board. The SCA
decoder features an on-board audio amplifier to drive headphones or a speaker,
or a line-level output to feed your HI-FI system amplifier. The VEC-422K tunes
subcarrier frequencies from 50 to 100kHz. Learn how subcarriers work, and
how they are decoded.
Construction Area: Kit construction requires a clean, smooth, and well-lighted
area where you can easily organize and handle small parts without losing them.
An inexpensive sheet of white poster board makes an excellent construction
surface and provides protection for the underlying table or desk. Well-diffused
overhead lighting is a plus, and a supplemental high-intensity desk lamp is
especially helpful for close-up work. Safety is always important! Be sure to use
a suitable high-temperature stand for your soldering iron, and keep the work area
free of combustible clutter.
Universal Kit-building Tools: Although your particular kit may require
additional items for completion, virtually all construction projects require a work
area outfitted with the following tools and supplies:
!"30-60 Watt Soldering Iron (temperature-controlled preferred)
!"High-temperature Iron Holder with Moist Cleaning Sponge.
! Rosin-core Solder (thin wire size preferred, .031”)
!"Needle Nose Pliers or Surgical Hemostats
! Diagonal Cutters or “Nippy Cutters”