Vectronics VEC-896 User Manual
Page 3
VEC-896 Vertical Antenna
The estimated assembly time for this antenna is two hours. Antenna assembly requires the
following hand tools:
1/4" nut driver
3/8" open end wrench
5/16" nut driver (or 1/4" blade standard screwdriver)
7/16" nut driver
7/16" open end wrench
Large wire cutters
#1 phillips screwdriver at least 6" long or longer
#2 phillips screwdriver
suitable eye protection
In addition, you will need two stable supports at least 30" tall (such as saw horses or trash cans)
and a short (6-8') temporary mast (1 to 1-1/2" OD) for temporary mounting during tuning.
As you unpack your antenna you should find the parts in the following list.
2 Fiberglass Coil Assemblies
two bundles of wire capacitance spokes 28 short, 12 medium, (and 4 spare long spokes)
one bag of clamps 10 hose clamps and 2 saddle bolts
5' upper radiator, 6061-T6 AL tubing, 1 1/8" OD with the 6 and 2 meter stubs inside
5' lower radiator, 6061-T6 AL tubing, 1 1/8" OD (this tube has two holes through it)
one bag of short 6-32 stainless screws (you will only use 40, the rest are extra)
4 small "L" brackets with holes one end
4 long "U" channel "L" brackets
4 flat fiberglass insulators
2 hollow white nylon insulators
1 solid rod fiberglass center insulator
5 split ring 1/4" washers
5 1/4" dia. 7/16" head bolts
5 1/4-20 x 7/16" nuts
20 6-32 x 1/2" stainless screws
20 6-32 x 1/4" nuts
8 10-32 x 3/8 nuts
For installation you will need some items not supplied with the antenna installation kit.
A 6'-8' rigid mast or other mounting pipe between 1" and 1.5" outside diameter. (suitable
materials include TV mast sections, galvanized iron pipe, or heavy duty rigid conduit.)