ThunderMax Timing vs. TPS (More Complex - Best Method) User Manual

Page 8

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It is a simple adjustment to remove in steps of ONE degree every FOUR points to the right to
modify your map to match the below if desired.

This will correct timing issues which are being caused due to HIGH engine temperatures.

Advance Timing Development….

FYI: Not required except to perform map development… the above procedures
work fine for minor corrections.

NOTE: In normal timing development (from scratch), the following (see below image) Timing
vs Engine Temperature curve is “immediately” implemented.

Then timing is developed on each of the Timing vs TPS @ Rpm pages (1024 – 4600rpm). FYI:
Timing pages (as well as fueling pages) are usually the same above 4600 rpm.

IMPORTANT: During Advance Timing Development of the Timing vs TPS @ Rpm pages, the
engine temperature needs to be maintained at from 220 – 230 degrees.

If the Timing vs TPS @ Rpm pages are STRICKTLY developed at 220-230 degrees then as the
engine gets hotter, the corrections below (retarding of timing) will be applied to ALL of the
timing as it is read from the Timing vs TPS @ Rpm pages.