ThunderMax Deceleration Pop - Tuning Methods and Other Info User Manual
The deceleration pop problem

The Deceleration Pop Problem
Decel Pop is many times a nasty issue to deal with. Any time the exhaust is “opened up” the
condition of deceleration pops is MUCH more noticeable and problematic. An open exhaust
allows additional air to be “sucked up the pipe” during closed throttle and any unburned fuels,
then ignite and “snap/crackle/pop”!
The cure is the engine either needs to turn off the fuel during deceleration or continue to run to
burn it off.
There are Pros and Cons to both methods. After tuning is established as well as it can be, it
then comes down to “rider preference”.
Some exhaust/engine combinations can totally tune out and eliminate deceleration pop and
NOT use the Decel Cut Feature. Other exhaust/engine combinations are very problematic and
the best that can be done is to minimize the deceleration popping.
There are no magical methods to “cure” ANY tuning system. Any system can only make the
best that can be made out of engine/exhaust combinations which may be totally “wild and
LOUD and OPEN exhausts are much worse.
Remember the last time you heard a race car decelerate into a turn, pop-crack-bang.
Straightpipes, loud and open!
In the majority of cases, nothing has to be done as most engine/exhaust combinations will, over
time, tune themselves. If after a period of time the level of “exhaust pop/talk” is unacceptable
to the rider then the Decel Cut Feature can be activated (set to 1) using the default settings.
Several factors affect what happens during deceleration. The Stock OEM module uses what is
known as a Deceleration Cut feature which, during deceleration (declining rpms with closed
throttle), from some higher rpm (above 2300) down to 1796 rpm, "Turns the fuel off". As the
rpm passed below 1796 Rpm the fuel is again "turned on".
This “feature” is only activated AFTER the rpms exceed 2300 Rpm. You can easily detect this by
accelerating to 2100 rpm then closing the throttle. You will notice that the engine appears to
burble and run during the deceleration all the way to 1280rpm or so. If you then accelerate to
2500 Rpm then close the throttle, you will notice an immediate “flat jake brake sound” like the
engine is OFF during the deceleration. In fact, it IS off. The fuel has been turned off!