ThunderMax Timing vs. TPS (More Complex - Best Method) User Manual
Page 4

Fuel economy may also be affected by this region but changes to timing will have little
“noticeable” affect.
This area is best left “as is” unless significant problems are experienced.
It would take lots of testing to determine a better curve in this area.
You will also notice that this is the region where the timing “falls away / reduces” sharply
(downhill slope).
The reason for this is the engine is transitioning from LIGHT load to NORMAL load so timing
needs be removed.
Throttle Roll On Region (Blue Area): This area is experienced when passing or
climbing a hill.
The Throttle Roll On area is where 95% of all PING occurs.
This area is referred to as the “Belly” of the timing curve (due to its inherent saggy shape).
Particularly at LOWER rpm (where engine LOAD is highest) the “Belly” is deeper.
As rpm increase the “Belly” normally reduces and may even “not exist”.
Full Throttle Region (Red Area):
The Full Throttle region will usually exhibit PING if Throttle Roll On is producing PING, “But
NOT always”!
The Full Throttle region of the curve many times has more “advanced” timing. This advanced
timing will occur JUST at Full Throttle and Slightly below.
The Full Throttle region begins at the end of the timing curve Belly.
Full Throttle timing is quite easy to adjust for obvious reasons.
It’s not hard to find Full Throttle!