Paxton Superchargers Dodge Viper User Manual

Page 26

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P/N: 4809643
©2004 Paxton Automotive
All Rights Reserved, Intl. Copr. Secured
12APR04 v1.1 01-03Viper(4809643v1.1)


Mount the water pump relay at the

location shown in Fig. 9-e using the

front PCM cover screw.


Use one or two of the supplied 1/4"

screws and washers to secure the reser-



CAC Water Pump Wiring And

Cut a piece of the supplied hose to con-

nect the bottom of the reservoir to the

inlet of the water pump. (See Fig. 9-n.)


Install the supplied water pump clamp

on the water pump. Insert the 1/4-20 x

3/4" bolt through the clamp and tighten.

The pump outlet should point up and

toward the front of the vehicle.


Install a plastic clamp on each hose

connection and tighten.

Fig. 9-c

Fig. 9-d-2 (2000 Vehicles)

*Reservoir Installed with 1" Blind Hole Pointing Upwards

Fig. 9-d-1 (1996-1999 Vehicles)

*Installed with 1" NPT Blind Hole Pointing Down

Fig. 9-d-3 (2001-2002 Vehicles)

*Installed with 1" NPT blind hole pointing down.


Reservoir Installation


1996-1999 Vehicles: Require the evaporative canister

to be unfastened from the inner fender and moved up

about 2". Re-drill the mounting holes in the inner fend-

er to secure.

1.A 2000 Model Year Vehicles: Place the water

tank on the supplied template (see Fig. 9-m
located at the end of this section) and posi-
tion it as close to the frame as possible.
Once a satisfactory position is located, hold
the template in place, remove the tank and
drill two 1/4" holes on the front of the dri-
ver’s side fender well that correspond to the
brass inserts in the tank.(See Fig. 9-c.)

1.B All Other Model Years: Vehicles equipped

with ABS (2001and 2002) or evaporative
canister (1996-1999) will need to move the
reservoir outboard to clear the additional
components. Verify that the chosen location
will not interfere with the bumper cover
when it is installed. The supplied electric
water pump should be rotated inboard for
fitment. (See Fig. 9-n for drill template.)