nMediaPC PRO-LCD User Manual
Page 22

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The graphic analyzer will be displayed on the L.I.S MCE screens if the Winamp plug-in is installed.
It supports the 2.x and 5.x versions of Winamp.
Visualization Plug-in display
: This is for selecting the type of analyzer that you want displayed on the L.I.S MCE screen.
User set
: User can set the command and some letter on the Display text directly.
Title & Info
: This is not for analyzer, shows information about the title, channel, bit rate, playing time.
Title & Line 1 Graphic Analyzer
: It’s scrolled the title on the head of L.I.S MCE screen and displayed 20
bands analyzer of 20x1 on the lower line.
Line 2 Graphic Analyzer
: 20 bands analyzer display more bigger 20x2.
Title & Info view scroll speed
: This is for scrolling speed of the title and play.