CUE Reservation System User Manual

Page 17

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User Manual

Page 17
[email protected]

Cue Reservation System

Step 4

Choose CRS user account name in the item User

logon name (User Principal Name), for example

AdminReservation, a domain of mailserver (for

example @cue.local) and a password.
This parameter will be needed later in CRSServer

• User logon name is identical with the

ExchangeUserLogonName in CSRServer


• E-mail domain (in our example

“@cue.local”) is identical with the

ExchangeRoomEmailDomain in CSRServer


• Password is identical with the

ExchangePassword in CSRServer properties.

Step 5

Now we can create accounts for each room

involved in CRS including the permissions using

the Exchange Management Console.
In section Recipient Configuration, select folder

Mailbox and start wizard to create a new account.

Step 6

Select Room Mailbox and click Next.