COMMELL MPX-2515 User Manual
Page 24
Commell MPX-2515 User’s Guide Rev 0101
Taiwan Commate Computer Inc.
• Device String: "MPX1515 USB-CAN20B Card" is the string shown in the
Microsoft Windows platforms.
• USB Serial Number: This is a seven digits number, which starts with digit
number 1. It looks like 1001234. Every MPX-2515 card has its unique serial
number. This serial number can be retrieved by USB default command. Please
refer to the example in the SDK chapter.
• Endpoint 0: USB default endpoint. USB vendor specific command is
implemented in this endpoint.
• Endpoint 1: MPX-2515 card implements BULK IN transfer at this endpoint.
Application issues a BULK IN transfer to return a response packet from the
MPX-2515 card.
• Endpoint 2: MPX-2515 card implements BULK OUT transfer at this endpoint.
Application then issues a BULK OUT transfer toward this endpoint to ask MPX-
2515 firmware to carry out a request packet.
• Endpoint 3: INTERRUPT IN transfer. MPX-2515 keep its status in an eight
bytes packet so that the application can keep informed by issuing an INTERRUPT
IN transfer over this endpoint. Please refer to the CCP chapter for details.
• Endpoint 4: BULK IN transfer. Application issues BULK IN transfer over this
endpoint to receive all MPX-2515 received CAN messages in a bulk. Please refer
to the CCP chapter for details.
The following figure shows the General Properties of the MPX-2515 successfully
installed on a Windows system.