CIRCUTOR TR16 Series User Manual

CIRCUTOR Measuring instruments

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TR16-RS485 is a measurement device for up to sixteen direct current channels

and a voltage channel of up to 1000 V of direct voltage. The measurement of the

current is done by means of sixteen Hall effect transformers (transformer for mea-

suring direct current), with 25 A primary.

The device has 2 RS-485 communications ports. The first of these is used to

connect and transmit the information to the master by means of the Modbus/RTU

protocol. The second communications port, allows for setting up a multi-master type

of communications typology (see section 4.5. Connection diagram of the RS-485

slave and sub-slave connection bus), given the multitude of applications that can

be comprised by a large number of

TR16-RS485 analysers. The communications

parameters can be configured by using the selectors located on the front panel of

the device.

Moreover, this device is equipped with 3 (logical) digital inputs, for detecting the

status of digital signals, coming from the device's surroundings and the information

of which is also available via RS-485 communication. Apart from the digital inputs,

the device is equipped with an analogue input with a 0...20 mA range and an input

for a configurable Pt100 or Pt1000 probe.


2.1 Verifications on receiving

Upon receiving the instrument verify the compliance of the following points:

• The device corresponds to the specifications of your order.

• Verify that the device has not been damaged in transit

2.2 Safety precautions

For the safe use of the device, it is essential that the people who install or handle it

follow the usual safety measures, as well as the warnings documented in the said

instructions manual.


TR16-RS485 device has specifically been designed to be installed inside an

electric or enclosed cabinet, fastened to a DIN rail. Under no circumstances may

the device be installed or integrated into a place where it is in direct contact with

people. The

TR16-RS485 is fitted with a blinking red LED light (CPU), which warns

that it is running, and therefore warns of the presence of voltage and current in the

electronic circuit. Even though the LED light is not on, this does not free the user of

verifying that the device is disconnected from all power sources.


This manual contains information and warnings that the user must adhere to in

order to guarantee the safe operation of the device, and maintain it in a good state

with regards to safety. In its usual operation it should not be used until it has been

mounted in its final location in the electric cabinet.


If the equipment is used in a manner not specified by the manu-


the device's protection may be compromised.

When it is probable that the device may have lost its safety protection (for example,

if visible damage can be seen), the device must be disconnected from the power

supply. In this case, contact the qualified technical service or otherwise contact our

Technical assistance Service (see section 7. TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE SERVI-


3.1 Equipment installation

The installation of the device is of the DIN rail type; it has a surface of 9 DIN modu-

les (160 mm), and a height of 58 mm. All the connections remain accommodated

inside the electric cabinet.

Take into account that with the equipment connected, the terminals and the opening

of the covers or the elimination of elements, may give access to parts that it is hazar-

dous to touch. The equipment must not be used or powered up until its installation

has been fully completed.


DC power supply of TR16 must be protected by fuses, circuit-breaker or any

other devices providing overcurrent protection. This devices must be set accor-

ding to the DC installation power.

The equipment must be connected to a fuse-protected power circuit, in accordance

with its power supply range and consumption. In turn, the power supply circuit must

be fitted with a circuit breaker switch or an equivalent device, in order to be able to

disconnect the equipment from the power supply grid. The power supply circuit must

be connected using a cable with a minimum section of 1 mm



3.2 Power supply of the equipment

The device has two auxiliary power supply inputs; one for alternating current and the

other for direct current. Under no circumstances may the user connect both power

supply inputs simultaneously.

Power Supply



Nominal voltage

230 V ac ≈

24 V dc =

Power supply tolerance

± 20%

± 10%


50 Hz


Equipment consumption without transformers

2 V·A

2 W

Equipment consumption with 16 sensors (without load)

14 V·A

8 W

Equipment consumption with 16 sensors (with current load) 24 V·A

14 W

Operating conditions

Operating temperature

-10 ... 65 ºC

Relative humidity

5...95 RH without condensation

Maximum operating height

2,000 metres



TR16-RS485 accuracy

Current measurement (without current sensor)

± 0.5 %

Minimum current threshold

350 mA

Voltage measurement

± 1 %


± 3 ºC (-30 ... 80 ºC)

Temperature input accuracy

Pt100 / Pt1000 temperature probe

± 3 ºC

Analogue input accuracy

Input accuracy 0...20 mA

± 0.5 %

Input impedance

165 Ω

Resolution in dots

1024 dots

Converter resolution

10 bits


Category III – 300 V AC (EN61010)

Double-insulated electric shock protection class II


4.1 Description of the connection terminals




A(+) S(GND) B(-)

COM1 RS485/S

A(+) S(GND) B(-)

COM2 RS485/M


SUPPLY 230 Vac



Pt 100/1000


|1 |2 |3 COM

1 2

22 23 24


4 5 6

7 8 9 10 1112

16 17 18

19 20 21

13 14 15

1A / 250V




Power supply 230 Vac

(phase or neutral)

13 Digital input 2


Not used

14 Digital input 3


Power supply 230 Vac

(phase or neutral)

15 Common digital inputs


Power supply 24 Vdc (positive)

16 Direct voltage (positive)


Not used

17 Not used


Power supply 24 Vdc (negative)

18 Direct voltage (negative)


Pt100 / Pt1000 probe input

19 Slave RS485 port (A – positive)


Pt100 / Pt1000 probe input

20 Slave RS485 port (S – GND)


Pt100 / Pt1000 probe input

21 Slave RS485 port (B – negative)

10 Analogue input 0...20 mA (positive)

22 Master RS485 port (A – positive)

11 Analogue input 0...20 mA (negative)

23 Master RS485 port (S – GND)

12 Digital input 1

24 Master RS485 port (B – negative)


If a transformer not specified by the manufacturer is connected,

or it is connected to a different primary current than that specified

in this manual, the current measurement will be incorrect and the

device's protection may be compromised.

If no probe is connected to the device, you must make a bridge

between the three terminals meant for the probe. (7, 8, 9).






4.2 Connection diagram of the current transformers


TR16-RS485 is a device designed to measure up to 16 direct current lines

simultaneously. The device is equipped with 16 inputs for Hall effect transformers,

with which one can measure up to 25 A per direct current channel.
Detailed connection diagram of the M/TR transformers

For connecting the M/TR-25A to the

TR16-RS485, device, the use of a screened

cable is recommended, the mesh of which must solely be connected to the GND

connector on the device


Optionally, up to a maximum of four M/TR-25Ax4 modules (16 channels) can be con-

nected to the

TR16-RS485 device. After initialising, the equipment performs a scan

of all the inputs of the transformer modules, disabling the unused, and consequently

not physically connected inputs, by software. In the event that a new four transformer

M/TR module is subsequently connected, the user must reset the device's power

supply, for the four new current measurement transformers to be recognised.

4.3 Connection diagram of the digital inputs


TR16-RS485 device has three voltage-free

inputs and a voltage of 24 V DC on the com-

mon one for detecting the logical status of the

external pickups. On a real-time basis it detects

the status of the inputs (open contact or closed

contact), and transmits this information through

the RS-485 communications bus.

The use and cabling of the said inputs is entirely optional and its implementation

does not affect the operation of the rest of the assembly.

4.4 Connection diagram of the conventional RS-485 communications



TR16-RS485 has an RS-485 communications port for real-time connection

with a master PLC or SCADA industrial control type communications system. The

communication must be made using a twisted-pair mesh-screened communications

cable, with a three-core minimum. Between the master system and the last peri-

pheral, the systems allows for a maximum distance of 1,200 metres. A maximum

of 32 parallel-connected peripherals may be connected to the communication bus,

for each port used.

In any event, star-type installations must be avoided, as the communications bus

output of a peripheral must be chained to the input of the next and successive ones.

For installing these devices, it should be noted that there is no prior need of any type

of end-of-line resistor. SEE DIAGRAM A

4.5 Connection diagram of the RS-485 slave and sub-slave commu-

nications bus


TR16-RS485 has a second communications bus, which has the purpose of

being able to communicate with other

TR16-RS485s in a parallel manner (sub-

slave devices).

The nodes connected to the main bus, can simultaneously be connected to 15 new

devices. Therefore, at the main bus level, a maximum of 32 devices can be installed,

plus 15 sub-slave devices per installed node.

This communications typology results in the installation of 512 nodes on a single

communications network, without this fact penalising the pooling time of the main

communications bus.

The leading device connected to the main network, registers all the memory addres-

ses of the sub-slave devices connected to it, thus reducing the number of nodes to

be queried along the communications bus by the communications master, therefore

reducing the pooling time.

The typology and the connections setup is described in DIAGRAM B


In that relating to the measurement of voltage or direct current, the device does not

require any special type of configuration, as the internal adjustment configuration

ranges come set from the factory.

5.1 Communications

The implemented communications protocol is of the MODBUS/RTU® type.

As shown in the connection diagrams, the

TR16-RS485 peripheral is connected to a

control system by means of the RS-485 bus. For this purpose, each of the devices

must be assigned a node number to identify them within the communications bus.

The front panel of the device is fitted with rotary switches and MINI-DIP switches

that allow the user to adjust the parameters of the different communications settings.

To integrate the device in the bus, only the node or peripheral number and the

transmission speed of the RS-485 bus need to be set, which must naturally be the

same as that of the communications master.

By default, the communication is set to 1 stop bit, Parity No and 8 bits in length


5.2 Setting the peripheral number.

The two rotary switches on the front panel of the device, are used to set the peri-

pheral number (node). As the device communicates in Modbus/RTU protocol, the

peripheral or station number may vary in the range 1 to 255 (FF in hexadecimal).

The node number is set in hexadecimal format; under no circumstances may this

be set in decimal format. See several examples of the conversion of decimal to


Decimal Node

Hexadecimal Node

Decimal Node

Hexadecimal Node





















For the hexadecimal node number, the first

digit is set with the left-hand switch and the

second with the right-hand switch. After the

device number has been set, it is not neces-

sary to reset the device.

5.3 Setting the transmission speed


TR16-RS485 has a module with four (MINI-DIP) switches, which allow the

transmission speed to be set using switches 1 and 2. See the following table:

Transmission speed

Switch 1

Switch 2

9,600 / 8 / N / 1



19,200 / 8 / N / 1



38,400 / 8 / N / 1



When a change is made to the transmission speed, it is not

necessary to reset the device. Nor when the node (peripheral)

number is changed.

5.4 Setting slave and sub-slave devices

Using switch number 3, the user can set the type of communications typology. The

device may be set as a conventional slave of a communications network, or otherwi-

se as a sub-slave within a multislave network.

5.4.1 Slave devices

In DIAGRAM A, the communications bus is of a conventional communications typo-

logy. In this type of typology the peripherals may be numbered from 1 to 255 (from

01 to FF in hexadecimal).

Position of Switch 3

Diagram A


The numbering of the node numbers

may vary between 1 and 255 (from

01 to FF in hexadecimal).


Voltage and direct current multi-channel analyser
