CIRCUTOR computer MAX Plug&Play series User Manual

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Once the device has been configured according to installation needs it can be set to RUN mode to
regulate the PF of the installation. RUN mode is the default mode after exiting the set-up menu or after
the device start (supply connection followed by a short initialisation period). When the device is in RUN
mode it can reach one of the following status:

a) Normal RUN status (Absence of alarm): In this status the device performs the automatic PF

regulation, connecting and disconnecting the capacitor stages according to installation needs. In
this status the user can access to the measurement of different parameters and can also force
the manual connection or disconnection of capacitor stages as described in paragraph 7.1.

b) Alarm status: If any of the anomalous situations described in paragraph 3.2 occur, the device

jumps to alarm status and displays the error code. Depending on the error type the regulator may
perform the disconnection of all the stages or continue regulating the PF as in normal RUN.


Functions of the device in normal RUN mode.

In the normal RUN mode the Computer


can perform the following functions:


Manual connection of capacitor stages. Keep the key pushed during more than 1s
and the regulator will sequentially connect the different steps, following the normal
program and respecting the delay time t


set in the set-up procedure


Manual disconnection of capacitor stages: Keep the key pushed during more than
1s and the regulator will sequentially disconnect the different steps, following the
normal program and respecting the delay time t


set in the set-up procedure.

Displaying the number of connected steps: If both keys are simultaneously pushed
the device displays the Nr of connected steps. (Remember the difference between step
and stage described in paragraph 1.1)


Parameters measurement: Performing successive short pushing of this key (<1 s),
the user can travel along several display screens showing the values of the following
parameters: (cos) , cosinus

 of the installation ; (I) , mains current; (THD), THD of

mains current; (V) , Mains voltage; (I, MAX), MAXimum value of mains current since the
last clear; (V MAX), MAXimum value of mains voltage since the last clear. The
displayed parameter is pointed by the cursor


Parameters measurement: Performing successive short pushing of this key (<1 s),
the user can travel through the readings of the same parameters described above but
in reverse order.


Start the SET-UP mode: : Performing a long push of this key (<1 s), the device jumps
to set-up mode.


Clear MAX values: Performing a long push of this key (<1 s) while the cursor is
pointing to MAX , the Computer MAX clears the MAXimum values of voltage and
current recorded since the last clear.

This manual is related to the following products: