Optoma, Feature, A zf2100 g – Optoma ZF2100 System User Manual
Page 15: Glasses m, Anual
The Opto
box conne
viewing. T
LCD Shutt
• R
• 50
• H
• R
• B
• A
Using th
Battery C
To charge
custom co
attaches t
glasses. S
being cha
off. The o
only to re
identical c
The Opto
The Opto
will consu
many fact
life will be
placing th
t 2011 Bit Cau
a ZF2100 G
ma ZF2100 LC
ected to 3D re
This documen
ter Glasses.
F synchroniza
0 to 240 Hz c
igh contrast r
attery charge
uto Upgrade
he Optoma
e the Optoma
onnector on o
to the DC con
See photo to t
rged. When
other end of t
r, or the back
ceive power;
g systems. The
connector. Th
ma ZF2100 m
ma ZF2100 ba
ume more pow
tors, including
ated. Under t
e reduced to
he glasses on
uldron Corpor
Glasses M
CD Shutter Gl
eady projecto
nt describes t
ation for unin
apable for to
ratio, high un
battery provi
e indicator let
ensures cont
ZF2100 Gl
ZF2100, use
other end. Th
nnector on th
the right. The
the battery is
the cable may
of a TV. If at
the glasses w
e USB cable m
he Optoma ZF
may be operat
attery is desig
wer as neede
g how much i
the most adv
around 4 hou
a 2.4 GHz rou
lasses functio
or or Optoma
the features,
nterruptable 3
day’s and fut
niformity and
des up to 60
ts you know r
tinued proper
the included
he custom co
e top of the l
e red LED wil
s fully charge
y be attached
ttached to a c
will not appea
may also be at
F2100 will cha
ted while cha
gned to opera
ed to maintain
interference f
verse conditio
urs (examples
uter performi
on with the O
a 3D projecto
connection, s
3D glasses pe
ure 3D TVs
fast response
hours 3D view
remaining ope
r operation
USB‐Power c
nnector of th
eft earpiece o
l turn on whi
d, the red LED
d to any USB A
computer, the
ar as a device
ttached to a U
arge a comple
ate approxim
n ultra‐high r
from 2.4 GHz
ons, your glas
s of “most adv
ng continuou
ptoma BC100
r to provide t
setup, and op
e time for exc
wing per cha
erating time
cable with
he cable
of the
le battery is
D will turn
A‐type port, s
e Optoma ZF2
e visible to Wi
USB charger o
etely dead ba
mately 15 hou
eliability, so b
z devices like
ses should op
verse conditi
us full‐rate bla
0B Emitter an
the ultimate i
peration of th
cellent 3D exp
such as a port
2100 will use
indows, Mac
or a phone ch
attery in less
rs on a full ch
battery life is
wireless rout
perate flawle
ons” include
asting on an i
Page 15
nd 3D‐XL conv
n 3D stereos
he Optoma ZF
t on a USB hu
the compute
or other
harger with th
than three ho
harge. The gla
a function of
ters must be
ssly while bat
trade shows
of 28
ub, a